here goes my gd-pi exp...14th feb...
GD was a case study on discussing reasons why India is not getting olympic medals and prioritize three of them and came to a consensus decision.
Ample time was there and everybody spoke. came up with good points. Though i spoke a bit less but two of my points got places. It was ok-ok.
Most interesting part was per the coordinator it was one of the longest PIs...(almost 35 mins)
Two panelists were there...One middle aged with smiling face (say P1) and another bit elder with a serious look (who grilled me, say P2)....
Me entered the PI room....
M: Good aftrnoon sir
P1 & P2 : Good aftrnoon
P1 : Have ur seat
P1 : Tell me everything about urself
Me : blah blah
P2 : tell me himadri (my name) why do u want to do this STUPID MBA?
Me : Blah usual gyan
P1 : Gr8 u have worked with NTPC and Thermax!!
Me : yes sir
P2: What is the total power generation of India?
Me: told
P2 : How much thermal?
Me : told
P2: whats the share of NTPC?
Me: told
P1: Why substation are of like 11kv, 33kv??
Me: these are standardised sir.
P1: why?
Me: don't know sir...these are electrical parts most...i don't know..
P1: What is line voltage and phase voltage?
Me: don't know sir ( wtf they are asking me electrical engineering ques)
P1: My god...I'm so sorry...u r a mechanical engineer....
Me: yes sir (bit last they noticed that...)
P1: what are design consideration of boilers???
Me : told....( come they know all those stuffs..)
P2: What is electricity Act 2003?
Me: told
P2: what if NTPC selling power but SEBs are not paying?
Me: explained actual scenario
suddenly again...
P2: stop all those technical disc....tell me why do u want to do MBA after having 53 months exp?
Me: again told the same thing...
P2: (given me lots of gyan about market scenario, present situation...etc etc for 5 mins) even u wont get a 6 lpa job if this situation continues....
Me: tols something abt my aspiration...also this situation is's not gonna stay permanent ly.....( but seems not convinced)
P2: if selected what specialization u will prefer...
Me: I will prefer Gen management...with specialization with operation research or finance.
P2: Finance!!!! Why?? u have zero knowledge in finance as u r a mechanical many CAs comm background students are there....How wud u compete with them?? also ur almost 5 years exp will be counted as zero....u have to start from zero!!! and if operation research or production management then why don't u go for nitie??? why scmhrd??
Too many questions....
Me: told something again( mostly a repetition what i said earlier...)...told something good good about scmhrd.....told about how finance can help also about OR...( but again seems not convinced was the most sad part of the interview)
P2: show me ur certificate of Merit from NTPC
Me: showed....koi uncle hai kya NTPC mein....( what the hell he tried to convey !!!)
Then again P1 took the time he was terribly flipping over my file pages....
P1: U ha ve terribly good acads....u should be in tech companies....
ME: ( Mah God....I was getting angry...again I have to repeat the same thing....)told something....
P1: U have completed ur graduation in such a young age...(before 20)
Me: yes sir....I'm two years advance always..
P1: How did it happen??/
Me: told something....took admission at early age....bla went very well....
P1: Last book u hav read ( from hobby part)
Me: Told ( stay hungry stay foolish by rashmi bansal....was expecting some ques from entrepreneurship)
P1: I've not heard about this....
Me:.....(f*** man)
P1: what other books u have read recently?
me: To kill a mocking bird
P1: It's such a tough book !!!
Me: (relaxed at least he knows about this)...i liked that book very gives lesson about morality....bla bla
P1: what have u learnt from that.???
Me: (aah....was expecting that....) told a lot....
P1: how much loss u incurred in pesent sock market downturn (again from hobbie)
Me: Told somethings...some figures....
P2: Give me ur total portfolio
Me: told ....
P1: How do u select companies whose stocks to be bought?
Me: gave some gyan....told about fundamentals...P/E ratio etc etc....(seemed convinced)
P1: wow..u do blogging also.....what u write in ur blog...
Me: told....about some good experiences...self realizations....some upcoming events....
P1: will u write about today's exp???
Me: yes sir....
P1 & P2(at last) smiled...
P1: who is ur role model except ur father...
Me: told...again some chit chats....
lastly gave me some more gyans about present scenario.....praised about my acads....past records and exps.....and wished all the best....
P1: do u have any questions...???
Me: no sir...( what more can i ask !!!!)
P1: all the best....
Me: Thank u sir...
I'm sure I've missed some more....(aftrall 35 mins is not less...!!!)
I'm worried about my performance...screwed up in some places....but overall a good experience.....