Thursday, May 16, 2013


As I take a stroll
through the downtown,
I hear the clamour,
the uproar, the disorder,
that trumpet in ear;
incessant and blaring.

Screeching of tires
from the worn-out lanes,
honking of horns
from the log-jammed cars,
colliding gears,
engine that roars,
some obscure words
from nameless hawkers,
cries of urchins,
veil in the grey aura
of a cacophonous orchestra!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Wall

The wall devilishly grey,
I made it myself; so strong, so high
Neither could I break nor could I fly
Not a wall of brick or stone
Made of intangibles
Fear, despair, angst
Left me cloaked
in a darkness infinite 
I perish here of
stronger enough to
shatter the wall, and let
the light shower my soul.
The soul craves for
the hallowed ray, for
someone to crush the
wall into dust, 
set me free,
show me the light.